DUNAMAI Ministries was developed in order to be a support to those that have experienced a sudden and traumatic death in the family and provides free services such as licensed counseling,
financial and credit counseling and credit services.
We also refer services for Crime Victims Compensation, various survivor support programs for homicide, sudden infant death, suicide and general bereavement.
Please know that our thoughts and prayers are with you and yours. Please feel free to contact us if we can assist you in any way.
(Available to all City of San Diego retirees)
CareCounsel’s health advocacy program supports employees, retirees and their families through a
toll-free number staffed by expert health advocates. With CareCounsel, they have their very own personal health advocate to help them be effective healthcare consumers. Year after year, CareCounsel leads the health advocacy sector in employee satisfaction and program utilization alike.
Routinely, our CareCounselors:
•advocate on behalf of employees in dealings with health plans and healthcare providers;
•troubleshoot claims, eligibility and provider network problems to ensure timely delivery of care;
•coordinate with multiple parties, including health plans, hospitals, medical groups, providers' offices, and collection agencies to resolve billing disputes;
•help employees understand and choose a health plan at open enrollment;
•coach consumers on effective healthcare navigation;
•orient to wellness, EAP, disease management, work/life and other health management programs:
•reinforce the knowledge learned during a call with proprietary healthcare tip sheets; and
•support individuals who have a health condition with disease-related information and resources
I work in the outreach department at Mesothelioma Guide, an advocacy organization dedicated to helping patients diagnosed with asbestos illnesses. We specialize in assisting patients in understanding which treatment options are best suited for their illness, as well as how to find the right doctors that provide those treatment options.
Because Mesothelioma is a very rare cancer, there are few doctors who treat it, making it all that more difficult for patients to get the treatment they need to extend their prognosis. Firefighters face the risk of exposure to several respiratory toxins that may be released in fires. Asbestos is one of the most harmful toxins in this group. It can be found in older homes in insulation, roofing material and other building applications. I'm hoping you can assist me by helping to get the word out to mesothelioma patients – as well as anyone exposed to asbestos - that we are here to help.
COPLINE (800-267-5463)
Copline is the first national law enforcement officers hotline in the country that is manned by retired law enforcement officers. Retired law enforcement officers are trained in active listening and
bring the knowledge and understanding of the many psychosocial stressors that officers go through both and off the job. Active officers and or their families can call 24 hours and day 7 days a week
and be assured that there is a trained retired officer on the other end of the line whether the caller is calling while on the duty or off. The line is strictly confidential and there is no fear of
punitive repercussions from making the call.
Within the police occupation, officers have an 8-fold risk of killing themselves over being killed by a perpetrator. They also have a 3-fold risk of suicide over on-duty accidents. Officers have an
increased rate of separation or divorce within the first three years of employment, and increase rates of substance use when compared to the general population. They are exposed to more trauma in a
day than civilians are in a life time. It is said that 38-58% of all active officers have PTSD and few are treated. This can lead to depression and suicide. Officers who are exposed to trauma have a
5-fold risk of suicidal thinking.