A California non-profit Public Benefit Corporation 
Tax I.D. #33-0847533 


The Association now has the means to financially assist our members or their families who are in need. A separate non-profit, tax exempt, Foundation was incorporated and is now operational. The Foundation will accept requests for Grants to assist needy members.


The Foundation also supports other non-profit organizations, such as Sports for Exceptional Athletes.


We encourage our members to donate to this tax exempt Foundation.




Q. What is the retired Fire & Police Foundation?


A. The Foundation was approved by the Internal Revenue Service as a 501(c)(3) tax exempt, charitable organization intended to provide financial assistance to such organizations as the Special Olympics and the needy, including retired Fire Fighters and Police Officers, as well as their family members. Any qualified charity will be eligible to receive assistance. 


Q. Why was the Foundation Created?

A. In the past, our Association has made donations to worthy causes and persons but donations were very limited because there was not enough reserve capital to permit otherwise. With the creation of our Foundation, tax deductible donations may now be made by the members of the RF&PA as well as anyone else who wants to assist us in our charitable endeavors.


Q. What is a tax-deductible donation?

A. Whenever you donate funds to a tax-exempt, charitable organization 501(c)(3), you are able to deduct the amount of your donations on both your Federal and State Income Tax returns. You will receive a receipt for your donation.


Q. How can you make a donation to the Foundation?


1st: write a check now, payable to: 
The Retired Fire & Police Foundation 
4926 La Cuenta Dr.
San Diego, CA  92124-2602


2nd: Make a gift upon your death. Have your attorney include a provision in your Will or Trust which designates the Foundation the Beneficiary of such a gift. 




Q. How can you, as a member assist in fund-raising?


A. Every member of the Retired Fire & Police Association can solicit friends and relatives to make present and future Gifts to the Foundation. The more donations we receive, the more worthy causes and people we can assist, including our own members and their families. 


Q. If you have questions, who do you contact?


A. Call or email any member of the Board of Directors if you need more information. Contact information is available from the web site by clicking on "ASSOCIATION."


The quarterly Membership meeting will also be a place where you can ask questions



The Retired Fire & Police Foundation 
4926 La Cuenta Dr.
San Diego, CA  92124-2602




RFPA Foundation By-Laws as of 7-8-19.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [85.8 KB]
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(c) 2023 Retired Fire & Police Association of San Diego, CA